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import git
import pytest
import repo_cloner.lib.cloner
from repo_cloner.lib import gen_repo_hashed_name, DirNotFoundError, Cloner
from cloner_test_fixtures import *
from pathlib import Path
import logging
from unittest.mock import patch, PropertyMock, MagicMock, call
some_commits = [
def mock_time() -> float:
return 1658702099.4258687
class MockConfig:
def __init__(self):
self.cloner_repo_url = ""
self.cloner_project_name = "Mocked Project"
self.cloner_interval = 0
self.cloner_submodules = False
self.cloner_submodule_depth = 100
class MockDirStruct:
raise_cache_exists = False
def __init__(self, tmp: Path):
self.config = MockConfig()
self.cache_dir = tmp.joinpath("cache")
self.conf_dir = tmp.joinpath("config")
self.repos_dir = tmp.joinpath("repos")
self.raise_cache_exists = False
def cache_dir_exists(self):
if self.raise_cache_exists:
raise DirNotFoundError("mock_dir")
return True
class MockRepoTool:
path = None
initialized = False
def __init__(self, path: str):
self.path = path
self.initialized = False
def test_init_invalid_config(tmp_path, caplog):
mock = MockDirStruct(tmp_path)
with pytest.raises(KeyError) as e:
assert "KeyError: 'cloner_repo_url not defined in config!'" == e.exconly()
assert "CRITICAL" in caplog.text
assert "Undefined repo cloner URL in config!\n" in caplog.text
# valid config
# set mocks
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = "git@mocked:/path"
cache_dir = tmp_path.joinpath("cache")
# validate dir does not exist
assert not cache_dir.exists()
# set mock to raise error
mock.raise_cache_exists = True
# create new cloner class
# dir should exist now
assert cache_dir.exists()
assert "Cache dir for project Mocked Project not found -> creating" in caplog.text
def test_init_create_dirs(cloner_dir_with_config):
dirs = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
dirs.config.cloner_repo_url = "https://repo"
assert cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules").exists()
def test_check_interval(cloner_dir_struct: Path, monkeypatch):
mock = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_struct)
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = "git@mocked:/path"
timestamp_file = cloner_dir_struct.joinpath("cache", "last-check-time")
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
m.setattr("repo_cloner.lib.cloner.time", mock_time)
cloner = Cloner(mock)
# no timestamp file exists -> timer has to run
assert cloner.check_interval()
# timestamp file in future -> no run
timestamp_file.write_text(str(int(mock_time() + 11)))
assert not cloner.check_interval()
# timestamp in history, but run everytime is set >> RUN
timestamp_file.write_text(str(int(mock_time() - 1)))
assert cloner.check_interval()
# second ago, but with 5 minute interval
mock.config.cloner_interval = 5
assert not cloner.check_interval()
# 6 minutes ago, with 5 min interval -> run!
timestamp_file.write_text(str(int(mock_time() - 360)))
assert cloner.check_interval()
# corrupted file
assert cloner.check_interval()
def test__opened(cloner_dir_with_config, monkeypatch):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = cloner_dir_with_config.as_uri()
c = Cloner(ds)
# no repo defined
assert not c._Cloner__opened
# with mocked repo
monkeypatch.setattr(c, "_repo", MockRepoTool(cloner_dir_with_config.as_posix()))
c._repo.initialized = True
assert c._Cloner__opened
c._repo.initialized = False
assert not c._Cloner__opened
def test_repo_path_by_url(cloner_dir_struct: Path, path_repo_base: Path):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_struct)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = path_repo_base.as_uri()
c = Cloner(ds)
x = c._repo_path_by_url("git@server:namespace/repo.git")
assert x == ds.repos_dir.joinpath("namespace_repo_3375634822.git").as_posix()
def test_main_repo_path(cloner_dir_struct: Path, path_repo_base: Path):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_struct)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = path_repo_base.as_uri()
hashed = gen_repo_hashed_name(path_repo_base.as_uri())
c = Cloner(ds)
x = c.main_repo_path
assert x == ds.repos_dir.joinpath(hashed).as_posix()
def test_check_submodules_repo(tmp_path):
from collections import namedtuple
from repo_cloner.lib import DiskStoredList
def submodule_scanner_mock(commit = None):
if commit.hexsha in ["f968ea00a3007034ddf196285d7b60fec5e7fcf0", "36d45a4c1e5ad8c47a14881c5427045c3de095d0"]:
return [""]
if commit.hexsha in ["6b0b9affedb3e3daa4df00cd54678d78ea1c1d94", "aa5056610ff57f73bae9633a985c6a8e41f3bc23"]:
return ["", ""]
return False
repo_path = tmp_path.joinpath("repo.git").as_posix()
cache_path = tmp_path.joinpath("cache.list")
submodule_cache = tmp_path.joinpath("submodules").as_posix()
submodules = DiskStoredList(submodule_cache)
Commit = namedtuple("Commit", ["hexsha"])
# 30 commits
mocked_commits = [Commit(commit) for commit in some_commits]
# write cache file with collected commits
with open(cache_path.as_posix(), "w") as f:
f.writelines([f"{commit}\n" for commit in some_commits[0:20]])
mocks = {
'initialized': PropertyMock(return_value = True),
"path": PropertyMock(return_value = repo_path),
"list_commits": MagicMock(return_value = mocked_commits),
"list_submodules": MagicMock(side_effect = submodule_scanner_mock),
# prepare mocks for RepoTool
with patch.multiple("repo_cloner.lib.repo_tool.RepoTool", **mocks):
import repo_cloner.lib.repo_tool
rt = repo_cloner.lib.repo_tool.RepoTool(tmp_path.as_posix())
Cloner.check_submodules_repo(rt, cache_path.as_posix(), submodules, 100)
assert rt.list_commits.call_args == call(100)
assert rt.list_submodules.call_count == 10
returned_submodules = [x for x in submodules]
assert returned_submodules == [
'', '',
def test_sync(cloner_dir_struct, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
called: bool = False
def fetch():
nonlocal called
called = True
return True
class PatchCloner(Cloner):
open = False
def __opened(self) -> bool:
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_struct)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = "file://wut!"
repo = tmp_path.joinpath("repo.git")
c = PatchCloner(ds)
# invalid repo, closed = False
assert not c.sync()
assert not called
# mocked valid repo, opened
c._repo = MockRepoTool(repo.as_posix())
c._repo.initialized = True
c._repo.fetch = fetch
assert c.sync()
assert called
called = False
# mocked repo, invalid, closed
c._repo.initialized = False
assert not called
assert not c.sync()
def test_sync_submodules_failed(cloner_dir_with_config, caplog):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
# mock config for submodules
ds.config.cloner_submodules = True
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = "asdhlk"
# mock repo_tool.fetch to return false
mocks = {
'initialized': PropertyMock(return_value = True),
'fetch': MagicMock(return_value = False)
with patch.multiple("repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool", **mocks) as mock:
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert not cl.sync()
assert caplog.records[1].levelname == "CRITICAL"
assert caplog.records[1].message == "Repo fetch failed for Mocked Project"
def my_check_submodules_repo(
repo_tool, cache_file: str,
submodule_list: list,
scan_depth = None):
if "namespace_whatever_" in cache_file:
if "/namespace_submodule1_" in cache_file:
return submodule_list
def test_submodules_sync_succeed(cloner_dir_with_config, caplog):
cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules").mkdir(parents = True)
cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules", "submodules.cache") \
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = ""
ds.config.cloner_submodules = True
# mock almost everything
mocks = {
'initialized': PropertyMock(side_effect = [True, False, True, True, True]),
'fetch': MagicMock(return_value = True),
'clone': MagicMock(return_value = True),
'repo_fingerprint': PropertyMock(side_effect = ["fp1", "fp2", "fp3"]),
with patch.multiple("repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool", **mocks):
Cloner.check_submodules_repo = my_check_submodules_repo
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert cl.sync()
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool.fetch.call_count == 4
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool.clone.call_count == 1
def test_submodules_sync_unchanged_main_repo(cloner_dir_with_config, caplog):
cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules").mkdir(parents = True)
cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules", "submodules.cache") \
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = ""
ds.config.cloner_submodules = True
# mock almost everything
mocks = {
'initialized': PropertyMock(side_effect = [True, False, True, True, True]),
'fetch': MagicMock(return_value = True),
'clone': MagicMock(return_value = True),
# fingerprint is same for both queries, so nothing is fetched/synced afterwards
'repo_fingerprint': PropertyMock(return_value = "fp1"),
with patch.multiple("repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool", **mocks):
Cloner.check_submodules_repo = my_check_submodules_repo
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert cl.sync()
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool.fetch.call_count == 1
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool.clone.call_count == 0
def test_submodules_sync_one_fail(cloner_dir_with_config, caplog):
cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules").mkdir(parents = True)
cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("cache", "submodules", "submodules.cache") \
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = ""
ds.config.cloner_submodules = True
# just to make coverage nicer
ds.config.cloner_submodule_depth = 0
# mock almost everything
mocks = {
'initialized': PropertyMock(return_value = True),
'fetch': MagicMock(side_effect = [True, True, True, False, True]),
'clone': MagicMock(return_value = True),
'repo_fingerprint': PropertyMock(side_effect = ["fp1", "fp2", "fp3"]),
with patch.multiple("repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool", **mocks):
Cloner.check_submodules_repo = my_check_submodules_repo
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert not cl.sync()
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool.fetch.call_count == 5
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.RepoTool.clone.call_count == 0
assert "Clone/fetch of submodule: failed" in caplog.text
def test_perform_check(cloner_dir_with_config, monkeypatch, caplog):
call_counter: int = 0
def ret_true():
return True
def ret_false():
return False
def call_counter_inc():
nonlocal call_counter
call_counter += 1
# set logger
mock = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = "git://repo"
cloner = Cloner(mock)
# timer did not pass
monkeypatch.setattr(cloner, "check_interval", ret_false)
monkeypatch.setattr(cloner, "sync", call_counter_inc)
assert call_counter == 0
assert call_counter == 0
# timer passed
monkeypatch.setattr(cloner, "check_interval", ret_true)
assert call_counter == 1
# right logs
assert 2 == sum(
r.message == "Started check for Mocked Project, url: git://repo"
and r.levelname == "INFO"
for r in caplog.records
assert 2 == sum(
r.message == "Check finished"
and r.levelname == "INFO"
for r in caplog.records
def test_open_uninitialized(cloner_dir_with_config, path_repo_base):
url = path_repo_base.as_uri()
mock = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = path_repo_base.as_uri()
c = Cloner(mock)
assert not
assert c._repo_url == path_repo_base.as_uri()
def test_open_initialized(cloner_dir_with_config, path_repo_base, caplog):
mock = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
hashed = gen_repo_hashed_name(path_repo_base.as_uri())
path = cloner_dir_with_config.joinpath("repos", hashed).as_posix()
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = path_repo_base.as_uri()
r = git.Repo.clone_from(path_repo_base.as_uri(), path, bare = True)
commit = r.head.commit.hexsha
assert r.bare
c = Cloner(mock)
assert c._repo._repo.head.commit.hexsha == commit
def test_clone(tmp_path, path_repo_base):
mock = MockDirStruct(tmp_path)
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = "invalid"
c = Cloner(mock)
assert c.clone(path_repo_base.as_uri())
assert "e0c7e2a72579e24657c05e875201011d2b48bf94" == c._repo._repo.head.commit.hexsha
def test_clone_initialized(tmp_path, path_repo_base, caplog):
mock = MockDirStruct(tmp_path)
hashed = gen_repo_hashed_name(path_repo_base.as_uri())
path = tmp_path.joinpath("repos", hashed).as_posix()
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = path_repo_base.as_uri()
c = Cloner(mock)
assert not c.clone(path_repo_base.as_uri())
assert caplog.records[0].levelname == "CRITICAL"
assert caplog.records[0].message == f"Repo path {path} is initialized... Refusing clone!"
def test_clone_recursive(tmp_path, path_repo_base, caplog):
mock = MockDirStruct(tmp_path)
mock.config.cloner_repo_url = "https://repo"
mock.config.cloner_submodules = True
with patch(
new_callable = PropertyMock,
return_value = False) as patch_initialized, \
return_value = True) as patch_clone_recursive:
cloner = Cloner(mock)
assert cloner.clone()
assert patch_initialized.call_count == 1
assert patch_clone_recursive.call_count == 1
'https://repo', tmp_path.joinpath('cache', 'submodules').as_posix(), scan_depth = 100)
mock.config.cloner_submodule_depth = 0
assert cloner.clone()
'https://repo', tmp_path.joinpath('cache', 'submodules').as_posix(), scan_depth = None)
def test_detector_enabled(cloner_dir_with_config):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = "http://mock"
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert not cl.detector_enabled
Path(cloner_dir_with_config).joinpath("config", "detector.cfg").touch()
assert cl.detector_enabled
def test_detector_run(cloner_dir_with_config):
called = False
def callback_test(commit):
nonlocal called
called = True
def run_mock(callback):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = "https://mock"
mocks = {
'check_fingerprint': MagicMock(side_effect = [False, True]),
'run': MagicMock(side_effect = run_mock),
with patch.multiple('repo_cloner.lib.cloner.Detector', **mocks):
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert not
assert not called
assert called
def test_detector_init(cloner_dir_with_config):
ds = MockDirStruct(cloner_dir_with_config)
ds.config.cloner_repo_url = "https://mock"
mocks = {
'initialize_caches': MagicMock(),
with patch.multiple('repo_cloner.lib.cloner.Detector', **mocks):
cl = Cloner(ds)
assert repo_cloner.lib.cloner.Detector.initialize_caches.called