from repo_cloner.lib import DiskStoredList, DiskStoredRefs, RepoTool from pathlib import Path import logging import json from typing import Callable from datetime import datetime log = logging.getLogger("rc.detector") class DetectedCommit: _commit: str = None _abbrev: str = None _author: str = None _date: int = 0 _is_tag: bool = False _tags: list = [] _is_branch: bool = False _branches: list = [] _log: str = "" _dict = {} def __init__(self, env: dict, project_name: str): for key in env.keys(): self.__setattr__(f"_{key}", env[key]) self._dict = env self.project = project_name @property def commit(self) -> str: return self._commit @property def abbrev(self) -> str: return self._abbrev @property def author(self) -> str: return self._author @property def date(self) -> int: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self._date) return dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M:%S") @property def is_tag(self) -> bool: return self._is_tag @property def tags(self) -> str: return ", ".join(self._tags) @property def is_branch(self) -> bool: return self._is_branch @property def branches(self) -> str: return ", ".join(self._branches) @property def log(self) -> str: return self._log @property def dict(self) -> dict: return self._dict class Detector: _repo: RepoTool = None _repo_path: Path = None _detector_dir: Path = None _detector_sum: Path = None _executed: DiskStoredList = None _branches: DiskStoredRefs = None _tags: DiskStoredRefs = None _project: str = None def __init__(self, repo_path: Path, cache_dir: Path, project: str): log.debug(f"Initializing detector...") log.debug(f"Repo: {repo_path}") self._repo_path = Path(repo_path) self._repo = RepoTool(repo_path) self._detector_dir = Path(cache_dir).joinpath("detector") self._detector_sum = Path(cache_dir).joinpath("detectorSum") if not self._detector_dir.exists(): log.debug(f"Creating detector dir") self._detector_dir.mkdir() self._project = project log.debug(f"Detector cache: {self._detector_dir}") self._executed = DiskStoredList(self._detector_dir.joinpath("detectorExecuted").as_posix()) log.debug(f"Detector executed: {len(self._executed)} commits") # modify branches and tags to new standards self.check_legacy_config() # parse json files afterwards self._branches = DiskStoredRefs(self._detector_dir.joinpath("branches")) self._tags = DiskStoredRefs(self._detector_dir.joinpath("tags"))"Loaded {self._branches.count()} branches and {self._tags.count()} tags") @classmethod def _ref_dir_to_json(cls, dir: Path): def rmdir(directory): directory = Path(directory) for item in directory.iterdir(): if item.is_dir(): rmdir(item) else: item.unlink() directory.rmdir() ref_dict = {} for item in dir.iterdir(): if item.is_file(): content = item.read_text().strip() name = log.debug(f"Found reference {name} -> {content}") ref_dict[name] = content rmdir(dir) dir.touch() dir.write_text(json.dumps(sorted(ref_dict.items()))) def check_legacy_config(self): branch_dir = self._detector_dir.joinpath("branches") tag_dir = self._detector_dir.joinpath("tags") if branch_dir.exists() and branch_dir.is_dir():"Found legacy branch dir: {branch_dir} - converting now") Detector._ref_dir_to_json(branch_dir) if tag_dir.exists() and tag_dir.is_dir():"Found legacy tag dir: {tag_dir} - converting now") Detector._ref_dir_to_json(tag_dir) def initialize_caches(self): # initialize caches"Initializing detector cache") for commit in self._repo.list_commits(): if commit not in self._executed: self._executed.append(commit.hexsha) # cleanup old branches for branch in self._branches.keys(): self._branches.remove(branch) for tag in self._tags.keys(): self._tags.remove(tag) # persist new ones for branch, commit in self._repo.list_branches().items(): self._branches.update(branch, commit) for tag, commit in self._repo.list_tags().items(): self._tags.update(tag, commit) """ returns true if detector run needs to be done """ def check_fingerprint(self) -> bool:"Checking repo-detector fingerprint") if not self._detector_sum.exists(): log.debug(f"Fingerprint file does not exist - run needed") return True old_fingerprint = self._detector_sum.read_text().strip() return not old_fingerprint == self._repo.repo_fingerprint() def persist_fingerprint(self): log.debug(f"Persisting detector fingerprint") self._detector_sum.write_text(str(self._repo.repo_fingerprint())) def run(self, callback: Callable[[DetectedCommit], None]) -> int:"Running commit detector") new_branches = self._repo.list_branches() new_tags = self._repo.list_tags() # remove removed old_keys = self._branches.keys() for branch in old_keys: if branch not in new_branches.keys():"Branch {branch} removed in source, removing from detector") self._branches.remove(branch) old_keys = self._tags.keys() for tag in old_keys: if tag not in new_tags.keys():"Tag {tag} removed in source, removing from detector") self._tags.remove(tag) keep_in_mind_commits: list = [] for key, value in new_branches.items(): if not value == self._branches.get(key): log.debug(f"Keep in mind branch: {key} -> {value}") keep_in_mind_commits.append(value) for key, value in new_tags.items(): if not value == self._tags.get(key): log.debug(f"Keep in mind tag: {key} -> {value}") keep_in_mind_commits.append(value) # list commits executed_count: int = 0 for commit in self._repo.list_commits(): if commit.hexsha in self._executed and commit.hexsha not in keep_in_mind_commits: continue special_commit: bool = False if commit.hexsha in keep_in_mind_commits: log.debug(f"Found keep-in-mind commit {commit.hexsha}") special_commit = True special_branch: list = [] special_tag: list = [] if special_commit: for branch, commit_candidate in new_branches.items(): if commit.hexsha == commit_candidate: if not self._branches.get(branch) == commit.hexsha: log.debug(f"Found branch {branch} for commit {commit_candidate}") special_branch.append(branch) for tag, commit_candidate in new_tags.items(): if commit.hexsha == commit_candidate: if not self._tags.get(tag) == commit.hexsha: log.debug(f"Found tag {tag} for commit {commit_candidate}") special_tag.append(tag) env = { 'commit': commit.hexsha, 'abbrev': commit.hexsha[0:7], 'author': str(, 'date': commit.authored_date, 'is_tag': len(special_tag) > 0, 'tags': special_tag, 'is_branch': len(special_branch) > 0, 'branches': special_branch, 'log': commit.message, } env = DetectedCommit(env, self._project)"Executing CI: commit {self._project}: {env.commit} @ {} by {}") if env.is_tag or env.is_branch:"Additional info: branch: {env.branches}; tag(s) {env.tags}") executed_count += 1 callback(env) # mark commit done self._executed.append(commit.hexsha) for item in special_branch: self._branches.update(item, commit.hexsha) for item in special_tag: self._tags.update(item, commit.hexsha) self.persist_fingerprint() return executed_count