Václav Valíček 27057beed4
Update: dockerize externally, update --colored flag
Signed-off-by: Václav Valíček <>
2022-08-09 06:41:41 +02:00

99 lines
3.7 KiB

import logging
from repo_cloner.lib.logger_setup import log
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import git
from git import Repo
from git.exc import BadName, CheckoutError
from repo_cloner.lib import ClonerConfigParser, gen_repo_hashed_name
from repo_cloner.lib.repo_tool import GitRemoteProgress
def clone_checkout(
source: Path, target: Path,
reference: Optional[str] = None,
recursive: bool = False, recursion_counter: int = 0):
# solve recursion"Clone recursion level is {recursion_counter}")
if recursion_counter > 10:
log.critical(f"Recursion limit reached! breaking")
return False
repo = Repo.clone_from(source.as_posix(), to_path = target.as_posix(), progress = GitRemoteProgress(), bare = False)
if reference:
log.debug(f"Finding reference: {reference}")
ref = repo.commit(reference)
except BadName as e:
log.critical(f"Reference not found: {e.__str__()}")
log.warning(f"Continuing with HEAD")
ref = repo.commit("HEAD")"Checking out commit {ref.hexsha} as branch *test-head*, this may take some time.")
repo.git.checkout(ref, '-b', 'test-head', force = True)"Checkout succeed")
except CheckoutError as e:
log.critical(f"Checkout raised error: {e.__str__()}")
log.warning(f"Continuing with partially checked out shit...")
if recursive:
log.debug(f"Recursive checkout is enabled, continuing...")
log.debug(f"Listing submodules (if any)")
for submodule in repo.submodules:
new_url = source.parent.joinpath(gen_repo_hashed_name(submodule.url))
new_path = target.joinpath(submodule.path)
checkout_submodule: Optional[str] = None
module = repo.tree().join(submodule.path)
checkout_submodule = module.hexsha
except KeyError as e:
log.warning(f"Failed to find commit id for submodule {submodule.path}")
log.warning(f"Continuing with HEAD for submodule")"Submodule {submodule.path} with replacement path {new_url} found")
clone_checkout(new_url, new_path, checkout_submodule, recursive, recursion_counter + 1)
def prepare_tree(source: Path, target: Path, checkout: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
# check paths
if not source.is_dir():
log.critical(f"Source dir: {source.as_posix()} is not dir!")
return 1
if target.exists():
log.critical(f"Target dir: {target.as_posix()} exists!")
return 1
# config
log.debug(f"Parsing config file")
config_file = source.joinpath("config/cloner.cfg")
config = ClonerConfigParser(config_file.as_posix())
config = config.config
# main repo
main_repo = source.joinpath("repos", gen_repo_hashed_name(config.cloner_repo_url))
log.debug(f"Opening main repo from path: {main_repo.as_posix()}")
x = clone_checkout(main_repo, target, checkout, config.cloner_submodules)
def main() -> int:
# parse input arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "clone repository from repo-cloner mirror")
parser.add_argument("source", help = "path to directory containing whole cloner structure")
parser.add_argument("target", help = "path where to checkout")
parser.add_argument("--checkout", help = "checkout this reference, otherwise default HEAD will be left")
parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help = "enable debug output", action = 'store_true')
parser.add_argument('--colored', help = "enable colored log output even tty() is not detected", action = "store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:"Setting loglevel to debug")
log.debug(f"Source directory: {args.source}")
log.debug(f"Target directory: {}")
log.debug(f"Checkout reference: {args.checkout}")
return prepare_tree(Path(args.source), Path(, args.checkout)