# Bats: the Bash Automated Testing System Bats is a [TAP](http://testanything.org/)-compliant testing framework for Bash. It provides a simple way to verify that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected. A Bats test file is a Bash script with special syntax for defining test cases. Under the hood, each test case is just a function with a description. ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bats @test "addition using bc" { result="$(echo 2+2 | bc)" [ "$result" -eq 4 ] } @test "addition using dc" { result="$(echo 2 2+p | dc)" [ "$result" -eq 4 ] } ``` Bats is most useful when testing software written in Bash, but you can use it to test any UNIX program. Test cases consist of standard shell commands. Bats makes use of Bash's `errexit` (`set -e`) option when running test cases. If every command in the test case exits with a `0` status code (success), the test passes. In this way, each line is an assertion of truth. ## Running tests To run your tests, invoke the `bats` interpreter with a path to a test file. The file's test cases are run sequentially and in isolation. If all the test cases pass, `bats` exits with a `0` status code. If there are any failures, `bats` exits with a `1` status code. When you run Bats from a terminal, you'll see output as each test is performed, with a check-mark next to the test's name if it passes or an "X" if it fails. $ bats addition.bats ✓ addition using bc ✓ addition using dc 2 tests, 0 failures If Bats is not connected to a terminal—in other words, if you run it from a continuous integration system or redirect its output to a file—the results are displayed in human-readable, machine-parsable [TAP format](http://testanything.org/wiki/index.php/TAP_specification#THE_TAP_FORMAT). You can force TAP output from a terminal by invoking Bats with the `--tap` option. $ bats --tap addition.bats 1..2 ok 1 addition using bc ok 2 addition using dc ### Test suites You can invoke the `bats` interpreter with multiple test file arguments, or with a path to a directory containing multiple `.bats` files. Bats will run each test file individually and aggregate the results. If any test case fails, `bats` exits with a `1` status code. ## Helpers and introspection ### The _run_ helper Many Bats tests need to run a command and then make assertions about its exit status and output. Bats includes a `run` helper that invokes its arguments as a command, saves the exit status and output into special global variables, and then returns with a `0` status code so you can continue to make assertions in your test case. For example, let's say you're testing that the `foo` command, when passed a nonexistent filename, exits with a `1` status code and prints an error message. ```bash @test "invoking foo with a nonexistent file prints an error" { run foo nonexistent_filename [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$output" = "foo: no such file 'nonexistent_filename'" ] } ``` The `$status` variable contains the status code of the command, and the `$output` variable contains the combined contents of the command's standard output and standard error streams. A third special variable, the `$lines` array, is available for easily accessing individual lines of output. For example, if you want to test that invoking `foo` without any arguments prints usage information on the first line: ```bash @test "invoking foo without arguments prints usage" { run foo [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "usage: foo " ] } ``` ### The _load_ command You may want to share common code across multiple test files. Bats includes a convenient `load` command for sourcing a Bash source file relative to the location of the current test file. For example, if you have a Bats test in `test/foo.bats`, the command ```bash load test_helper ``` will source the script `test/test_helper.bash` in your test file. This can be useful for sharing functions to set up your environment or load fixtures. ### The _skip_ directive Tests can be skipped over by using the `skip` directive at the point in a test you wish to skip. ```bash @test "A test I don't want to execute for now" { skip run foo [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } ``` Optionally, a reason for skipping can be included: ```bash @test "A test I don't want to execute for now" { skip "This command will return zero soon, but not now" run foo [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } ``` Or you can skip conditionally: ```bash @test "A test which should run" { if [ foo != bar ]; then skip "foo isn't bar" fi run foo [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } ``` ### Setup and teardown You can define special `setup` and `teardown` functions which run before and after each test case, respectively. Use these to load fixtures, set up your environment, and clean up when you're done. ### Special variables There are several global variables you can use to introspect on Bats tests: * `$BATS_TEST_FILENAME` is the fully expanded path to the Bats test file. * `$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME` is the directory in which the Bats test file is located. * `$BATS_TEST_NAMES` is an array of function names for each test case. * `$BATS_TEST_NAME` is the name of the function containing the current test case. * `$BATS_TEST_DESCRIPTION` is the description of the current test case. * `$BATS_TEST_NUMBER` is the (1-based) index of the current test case in the test file. * `$BATS_TMPDIR` is the location to a directory that may be used to store temporary files. ## Installing Bats Check out a copy of the Bats repository. Then, either add the Bats `bin` directory to your `$PATH`, or run the provided `install.sh` command with the location to the prefix in which you want to install Bats. For example, to install Bats into `/usr/local`, $ git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/bats.git $ cd bats $ ./install.sh /usr/local Note that you may need to run `install.sh` with `sudo` if you do not have permission to write to the installation prefix. ## Syntax Highlighting * [Bats.tmbundle](https://github.com/drnic/Bats.tmbundle) from Dr Nic Williams adds Bats syntax highlighting support for TextMate. ## Development The Bats source code repository is [hosted on GitHub](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats). There you can file bugs on the issue tracker or submit tested pull requests for review. See the [Bats test suite](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/tree/master/test) for examples. ### Version history *0.2.0* (November 16, 2012) * Added test suite support. The `bats` command accepts a directory name containing multiple test files to be run in aggregate. * Added the ability to count the number of test cases in a file or suite by passing the `-c` flag to `bats`. * Preprocessed sources are cached between test case runs in the same file for better performance. *0.1.0* (December 30, 2011) * Initial public release. --- © 2011 Sam Stephenson. Bats is released under an MIT-style license; see `LICENSE` for details.