mirror of https://github.com/sstephenson/bats.git synced 2024-12-26 14:39:46 +01:00
Henrique Moody 3be82466a7 Add skipped count tests in the summary
This also update the behaviour of the summary, now it only display the
number of failures, and skipped tests also, if the numbers are greater
than zero.
2014-08-13 14:32:35 +01:00

259 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helper
fixtures bats
@test "no arguments prints usage instructions" {
run bats
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ $(expr "${lines[1]}" : "Usage:") -ne 0 ]
@test "-v and --version print version number" {
run bats -v
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ $(expr "$output" : "Bats [0-9][0-9.]*") -ne 0 ]
@test "-h and --help print help" {
run bats -h
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${#lines[@]}" -gt 3 ]
@test "invalid filename prints an error" {
run bats nonexistent
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ $(expr "$output" : ".*does not exist") -ne 0 ]
@test "empty test file runs zero tests" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/empty.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ $output = "1..0" ]
@test "one passing test" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/passing.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ ${lines[0]} = "1..1" ]
[ ${lines[1]} = "ok 1 a passing test" ]
@test "summary passing tests" {
run filter_control_sequences bats -p $FIXTURE_ROOT/passing.bats
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = "1 test, 0 failures" ]
@test "summary passing and skipping tests" {
run filter_control_sequences bats -p $FIXTURE_ROOT/passing_and_skipping.bats
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "2 tests, 0 failures, 1 skipped" ]
@test "summary passing and failing tests" {
run filter_control_sequences bats -p $FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_and_passing.bats
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[4]}" = "2 tests, 1 failure" ]
@test "summary passing, failing and skipping tests" {
run filter_control_sequences bats -p $FIXTURE_ROOT/passing_failing_and_skipping.bats
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[5]}" = "3 tests, 1 failure, 1 skipped" ]
@test "one failing test" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[0]}" = '1..1' ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'not ok 1 a failing test' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/failing.bats, line 4)" ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# \`eval \"( exit \${STATUS:-1} )\"' failed" ]
@test "one failing and one passing test" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_and_passing.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[0]}" = '1..2' ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'not ok 1 a failing test' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_and_passing.bats, line 2)" ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# \`false' failed" ]
[ "${lines[4]}" = 'ok 2 a passing test' ]
@test "failing test with significant status" {
STATUS=2 run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# \`eval \"( exit \${STATUS:-1} )\"' failed with status 2" ]
@test "failing helper function logs the test case's line number" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_helper.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'not ok 1 failing helper function' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (from function \`failing_helper' in file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/test_helper.bash, line 6," ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_helper.bats, line 5)" ]
[ "${lines[4]}" = "# \`failing_helper' failed" ]
@test "test environments are isolated" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/environment.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
@test "setup is run once before each test" {
rm -f "$TMP/setup.log"
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/setup.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
run cat "$TMP/setup.log"
[ ${#lines[@]} -eq 3 ]
@test "teardown is run once after each test, even if it fails" {
rm -f "$TMP/teardown.log"
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/teardown.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
run cat "$TMP/teardown.log"
[ ${#lines[@]} -eq 3 ]
@test "setup failure" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_setup.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'not ok 1 truth' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (from function \`setup' in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_setup.bats, line 2)" ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# \`false' failed" ]
@test "passing test with teardown failure" {
PASS=1 run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_teardown.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'not ok 1 truth' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (from function \`teardown' in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_teardown.bats, line 2)" ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# \`eval \"( exit \${STATUS:-1} )\"' failed" ]
@test "failing test with teardown failure" {
PASS=0 run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_teardown.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'not ok 1 truth' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_teardown.bats, line 6)" ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = $'# `[ "$PASS" = "1" ]\' failed' ]
@test "teardown failure with significant status" {
PASS=1 STATUS=2 run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_teardown.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = "# \`eval \"( exit \${STATUS:-1} )\"' failed with status 2" ]
@test "failing test file outside of BATS_CWD" {
cd "$TMP"
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "# (in test file $FIXTURE_ROOT/failing.bats, line 4)" ]
@test "load sources scripts relative to the current test file" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/load.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
@test "load aborts if the specified script does not exist" {
HELPER_NAME="nonexistent" run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/load.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
@test "load sources scripts by absolute path" {
HELPER_NAME="${FIXTURE_ROOT}/test_helper.bash" run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/load.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
@test "load aborts if the script, specified by an absolute path, does not exist" {
HELPER_NAME="${FIXTURE_ROOT}/nonexistent" run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/load.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
@test "output is discarded for passing tests and printed for failing tests" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/output.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[6]}" = '# failure stdout 1' ]
[ "${lines[7]}" = '# failure stdout 2' ]
[ "${lines[11]}" = '# failure stderr' ]
@test "-c prints the number of tests" {
run bats -c "$FIXTURE_ROOT/empty.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "0" ]
run bats -c "$FIXTURE_ROOT/output.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "4" ]
@test "dash-e is not mangled on beginning of line" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/intact.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 dash-e on beginning of line" ]
@test "dos line endings are stripped before testing" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/dos_line.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
@test "test file without trailing newline" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/without_trailing_newline.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 truth" ]
@test "skipped tests" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/skipped.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 # skip a skipped test" ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = "ok 2 # skip (a reason) a skipped test with a reason" ]
@test "extended syntax" {
run bats-exec-test -x "$FIXTURE_ROOT/failing_and_passing.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'begin 1 a failing test' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = 'not ok 1 a failing test' ]
[ "${lines[5]}" = 'begin 2 a passing test' ]
[ "${lines[6]}" = 'ok 2 a passing test' ]
@test "pretty and tap formats" {
run bats --tap "$FIXTURE_ROOT/passing.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
run bats --pretty "$FIXTURE_ROOT/passing.bats"
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$tap_output" != "$pretty_output" ]
@test "pretty formatter bails on invalid tap" {
run bats --tap "$FIXTURE_ROOT/invalid_tap.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[0]}" = "This isn't TAP!" ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = "Good day to you" ]
@test "single-line tests" {
run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/single_line.bats"
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[ "${lines[1]}" = 'ok 1 empty' ]
[ "${lines[2]}" = 'ok 2 passing' ]
[ "${lines[3]}" = 'ok 3 input redirection' ]
[ "${lines[4]}" = 'not ok 4 failing' ]
[ "${lines[5]}" = "# (in test file $RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT/single_line.bats, line 9)" ]
[ "${lines[6]}" = $'# `@test "failing" { false; }\' failed' ]