# autotools-template Template for an autotools (autoconf, automake) project Edit configure.ac to change the FULL-PACKAGE-NAME, VERSION and BUG-REPORT-ADDRESS fields to match your project. Edit src/Makefile.am to configure the "products" or executables. bin_PROGRAMS = executable1 executable2 executable1_SOURCES = sourcefile1.c sourcefile2.c executable1_CFLAGS = executable2_SOURCES = sourcefile3.c sourcefile4.c executable2_CFLAGS = ./autogen.sh will generate ./configure and the Makefile.in files from the configure.ac, Makefile.am and src/Makefile.am files ./configure will generate config.h and Makefile and src/Makefile Run: ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make to test the whole setup. You need to run ./autogen.sh && ./configure after modifying *.ac or *.am files